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معلومات الكتاب
المؤلف : عمر عبدالله سليم

التصنيف : المجلات الهندسية

 تاريخ الاضافة : السبت 3 ديسمبر 2022

  مرات المشاهدة : 194

  مرات التحميل : 194

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تفاصيل عن كتاب BIMarabia4en
2017م - 1444هـ


03 04

05 06


Houses, buildings, and other facilities construction

profession such as roads and bridges is one of the oldest

professions of history. The architect and the structural

engineer and the contractor used to be all in one person

which was called a builder. Construction science has

been developed with time,..... PAGE 4



OMAR: What is Building Information Modeling


DR. NOHA: it is the use of the most effective

ways to increase the efficiency of the design and

construction operations through four elements of

Project Information .... PAGE 6

Stages of building lifetime


Any building which wants to see light by using the

technology of BIM goes through three stages BIMBAM-


The life cycle of any building Can be divided into three

main stages: design, ..... PAGE 10

History of Building

Information Modeling

Away from the technical details of Building

Information Modeling world, The article addressing

the history of the philosophy of «building information

modeling» in some dilation, (Something to dwell), with

the ascension of a new wave of experts and specialists

of this philosophy to tower of..... PAGE 12

BIM in interior design

and implementation

Construction projects have become easy to study,

engineering, implementation and even management

using building information modeling,

Well, you must have learned this before ... But why and

how? The technique of modeling building information

may be revealed ...... PAGE 13

Visual programming era

and Information modeling

Computational BIM

It seems that the momentum of modern software in

construction industry was not enough with dozens of

various applications even started we overlooks a new era

where technology is changing with a more difficult and

challenging w ay. ........ PAGE


09 10

11 12




At the conference held on December 2, 2015 in Leeds,

United Kingdom, several aspects were highlighted:

What are the benefits of applying the BIM. And what are

the challenges facing its application. Most highlighted is

the BIM role in the (highway landscap).

We will present some of ..... PAGE 19

Autodesk University the

road to success

Science is unlimited (this is the only phrase that has

caught my imagination since that day began until its

end, and even till I returned home ... Indeed, science is

the one that builds the nations and takes them to higher

places and leads to...... PAGE 21

How to solve the management

problems using the fourth

dimension (4D)

We are often exposed to problems and significant work

pressure during and even after the completion of the

work timetable by using project management software

M.S Project or Primavera. Solving these problems used

to take a long time and extra cost, and unfortunately our

plans had been then.... PAGE 23

Building Information

Modeling and the client

It has been proved that Building Information Modeling

BIM is able to make a revolution in the industry of

construction and the proof of this is the unprecedented

demand from major advanced countries to adopt both

technical and administrative BIM in all future projects

even some of these..... PAGE 26



Whoever works in the BIM field; beginner or professional

knows that the strength of BIM relies on adding as

many as experts and specialists in the engineering field

to be able to provide the project with the necessary

professionals, techniques, detection, follow-up and

auditing in ....... PAGE 28

Common Data Environment


20% to 25% of project team time is wasted in file search.

This loss can be avoided by organizing data as we will

now read when examining the shared data environment.

What we are going to see is a British code that focuses

on the second level of the BIM. There is a collaborative

environment....... PAGE 34

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