الموقع الأكبر لتحميل الكتب مجانا

معلومات الكتاب
Fundamentals of Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology
المؤلف : Dr Anup Katoch

التصنيف : Biology Books

 تاريخ الاضافة : الاحد 4 ديسمبر 2022

  مرات المشاهدة : 146

  مرات التحميل : 146

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تفاصيل عن كتاب Fundamentals of Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology
2012م - 1444هـ
نبذه عن الكتاب:

August Comte the French philosopher, commonly regarded the father of sociology,

used the term ‘Sociology’ in 1839, for a body of knowledge, concerned with social

behaviour and social institutions. August Comte named the field of study from two

words, Latin word ‘Socious’ means society and Greek word ‘logos’ means study or

science. So etymological meaning of Sociology is the science or study of society, that is,

the web of human interactions and interrelationships. Sociology is the youngest of all

social sciences. It joined the family of social sciences when it was recognized that the other

social sciences failed to fully explain man’s social behaviour.

Nevertheless, Sociology to some extent has following characteristics of science.

1. It is empirical; that is, it is based on reasoning and observation, not on

supernatural revelation, and its results are not speculative.

2. It is theoretical; that is, it attempts to summarize complex observation in abstract,

logically related propositions which purport to explain causal relationships in the

subject matter

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