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معلومات الكتاب
Manual of Local Anesthesia in DENTISTRY
المؤلف : تشيتري

التصنيف : طب الأسنان

  مرات المشاهدة : 198

  مرات التحميل : 198

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تفاصيل عن كتاب Manual of Local Anesthesia in DENTISTRY
2010م - 1444هـ
Manual of

Local Anesthesia


Manual of

Local Anesthesia


Second Edition

AP Chitre MDS

Manual of Local Anesthesia in Dentistry was first published in 2005, and it provides with essential guidelines for practice of pain-free, safe and effective local anesthesia, in the field of dentistry. It included the basic concepts of Nerve Conduction and Impulse Propagation, proper Care and Handling of Armamentarium and the various Specific Local Anesthetic Agents and Vasoconstrictors. It emphasized on various types of Injection Techniques for Maxillary and Mandibular Divisions of Trigeminal Nerve; Safety knowledge to avoid complications which may result from using wrong injection techniques, and their management. Authored by an experienced and eminent teacher and a clinician in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. SECTION 1: HUMAN RACE AND PAIN RELIEF, 1. History of Anesthesia, SECTION 2: APPLIED ANATOMY OF MAXILLA AND MANDIBLE, NEUROPHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 2. Osteology of Maxilla and Mandible, 3. Neuroanatomy, 4. Fundamentals of Nerve Impulse Generation and Transmission, 5. Theories of Pain Perception, 6. Mode of Action of Local Anesthetic Agents, 7. Local Anesthetic Agents, 8. Vasoconstrictors, 9. Local Anesthetic Cartridges and Vials, SECTION 3: LOCAL ANESTHESIA IN DENTISTRY, 10. Indications, Contraindications, Advantages and Disadvantages, 11. Methods of Pain Control, SECTION 4: ARMAMENTARIUM, 12. Syringes, Cartridges and Needles, SECTION 5: PRACTICE OF LOCAL ANESTHESIA, 13. Medical Evaluation, 14. Infection Control, 15. Preanesthetic Medications, 16. Basic Techniques of Local Anesthesia, 17. Injection Techniques for Maxillary Nerve and its Branches, 18. Injection Techniques for Mandibular Nerve and its Branches, 19. Newer Injection Techniques, 20. Management of Dental Clinic Waste, SECTION 6: COMPLICATIONS OF LOCAL ANESTHESIA AND THEIR MANAGEMENT, 21. Local Complications, 22. Systemic Complications of Anesthesia and their Management, 23. National AIDS Control Organization (NACO).

Hon. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon to His Excellency

The Governor of Maharashtra

Hon. Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Bombay Hospital and Research Centre

Formerly – Dean and Prof and Head

YMT’s Dental College and Hospital

Kharghar, New Mumbai

— Professor and Head

Nair Hospital Dental College

Bombay and Examiner

University of Bombay

— PG Examiner at many universities in India

Professor and Chairman

Department of Oral Surgery

Garyounis University, Ben Ghazi, Libya

— Professor and Head

Postgraduate teacher

Manipal College of Dental Surgery and Examiner

Karnataka University

— Professor and Head

Padmashree Dr DY Patil Dental College and Hospital

Navi Mumbai

— Professor and Head

Postgraduate teacher

KLES Institute of Dental Sciences

Belgaum and Examiner, Rajiv Gandhi University, Karnataka

Past President of

1. Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

2. Indian Dental Association

3. Indian Society of Oral Implantologists

s treatise for Dental students and practitioners. AP Chitre

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