الموقع الأكبر لتحميل الكتب مجانا

معلومات الكتاب
5 Morphology and Word Formation
المؤلف : مؤلف غير معروف

التصنيف : الصرف Morphology

  مرات المشاهدة : 185

  مرات التحميل : 185

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تفاصيل عن كتاب 5 Morphology and Word Formation
2016م - 1444هـ
5 Morphology and Word Formation

5 Morphology and Word Formation

key concepts

Words and morphemes

Root, derivational, inflectional morphemes

Morphemes, allomorphs, morphs


English inflectional morphology

English derivational morphology


Other sources of words

Registers and words

Internal structure of complex words

Classifying words by their morphology


This chapter is about words—their relationships, their constituent parts,

and their internal organization. We believe that this information will be of

value to anyone interested in words, for whatever reason; to anyone interested

in dictionaries and how they represent the aspects of words we deal

with here; to anyone involved in developing the vocabularies of native and

non-native speakers of English; to anyone teaching writing across the curriculum

who must teach the characteristics of words specific to their discipline;

to anyone teaching writing who must deal with the usage issues created by

the fact that different communities of English speakers use different word

forms, only one of which may be regarded as standard.


1. Divide each of the following words into their smallest meaningful

parts:landholder, smoke-jumper, demagnetizability.

2. Each of the following sentences contains an error made by a n

5 Morphology and Word Formation

what is morphology and examples

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