الموقع الأكبر لتحميل الكتب مجانا

معلومات الكتاب
Mohan, Harsh Textbook of pathology (2015)
المؤلف : مجموعة من المؤلفين

التصنيف : الطب البشرى

  مرات المشاهدة : 281

  مرات التحميل : 281

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تفاصيل عن كتاب Mohan, Harsh Textbook of pathology (2015)
2015م - 1444هـ
Mohan, Harsh-Textbook of pathology (2015)

by Harsh Mohan (Author)

For beginners in pathology, for whom this textbook is primarily meant, a balanced approach for learning of pathology is recommended i.e. the students must learn basic morphologic pathology including recent knowledge of etiology and pathogenesis of diseases, and simultaneously they should know the contribution of modern diagnostic techniques mentioned above towards achieving the goal of an objective ‘final diagnosis’ that is prognostically relevant as well. This philosophy for teaching and learning of pathology has been followed in the present edition but without disturbing the basic format of the book

The seventh edition of the renowned Textbook of Pathology, by Harsh Mohan, has been fully revised to provide the most up to date information on the latest developments in the field. Divided into three sections - General Pathology, Haematology and Lymphoreticular Tissues, and Systemic Pathology - the new edition covers numerous diseases, their causes, mechanisms, pathophysiology, classification, morphology, and clinical aspects. Each topic concludes with a summary of key points and features illustrative images, diagrams and tables. Most chapters include a clinical case related to the topic, presenting its history and findings, finishing with important questions which are answered in the Appendix section. The textbook is accompanied by a revised free booklet `Pathology Quick Review and MCQs' (9789351523703), to help pathology trainees prepare for examinations. Key points Fully revised, new edition of renowned Textbook of Pathology Presents clinical cases and questions and answers for each topic Includes free booklet `Pathology Quick Review and MCQs&aposwink Previous edition published in 2010

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