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Windows 7 For Seniors For Dummies
المؤلف : Mark Justice Hinton

التصنيف : غير مصنف

  مرات المشاهدة : 165

  مرات التحميل : 165

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تفاصيل عن كتاب Windows 7 For Seniors For Dummies
2009م - 1444هـ
Windows 7 For Seniors For Dummies

From the Inside Flap

Learn to:

Use the Windows 7 desktop and create your first documents

Connect to the Internet and browse the Web

View, edit, and print photos

Keep in touch by e-mail and play games online

You can learn to use Windows, get online, and start doing things today!

You don't need a grandchild to teach you Windows 7 — with this friendly guide, you'll be using the mouse, working with folders, hooking up a printer, and cruising the Internet in nothing flat. Learn to use all the gizmos that come with Windows 7, shop online, view a slideshow of your favorite photos, send e-mail to a friend, enjoy music, and more!

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