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معلومات الكتاب
رواية The Lucky One
المؤلف : نيكولاس سباركس

التصنيف : Stories and novels

  مرات المشاهدة : 178

  مرات التحميل : 178

تقييم الكتاب

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تفاصيل عن كتاب رواية The Lucky One
2008م - 1444هـ
The Lucky One

Deputy Keith Clayton hadn't heard them approach, and up close, he didn't like the looks

of them any more than he had the first time he'd seen them. The dog was part of it. He

wasn't fond of German shepherds, and this one, though he was standing quietly,

reminded him of Panther, the police dog that rode with Deputy Kenny Moore and was

quick to bite suspects in the crotch at the slightest command. Most of the time he

regarded Moore as an idiot, but he was still just about the closest thing to a friend that

Clayton had in the department, and he had to admit that Moore had a way of telling

those crotch-biting stories that made Clayton double over in laughter. And Moore would

definitely have appreciated the little skinny-dipping party Clayton had just broken up,

when he'd spied a couple of coeds sunning down by the creek in all their morning glory.

He hadn't been there for more than a few minutes and had snapped only a couple of

pictures on the digital camera when he saw a third girl pop up from behind a hydrangea

bush. After quickly ditching the camera in the bushes behind him, he'd stepped out from

behind the tree, and a moment later, he and the coed were face-to-face.

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