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معلومات الكتاب
The Full Plate Diet pdf
المؤلف : مجموعة من المؤلفين

التصنيف : الصحة للجميع

  مرات المشاهدة : 2352

  مرات التحميل : 2352

تقييم الكتاب

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تفاصيل عن كتاب The Full Plate Diet pdf
You received this book
because you are a person of influence. These advance copies were sent only
to a limited few. The final, polished version will appear on the shelves of every
bookstore in America in January 2010.
Our hope is that you will
1. thumb through it,
2. be impressed,
3. decide to read the whole thing and
4. try the diet.
If you decide to try this diet
we promise you’ll feel better, look better and live longer.
We’re giving a special bonus
to all readers of these advance copies. You’ll find the details at www.FullPlate
We’re a non-profit organization
whose only mission is to improve the health and vitality of human beings around
the world.
And we’re really hoping that one of them will be you.
Franklin House, MD
Chairman, Lifestyle Centers of America
PS—You’re free to give this advance reading copy to your friends. They, too, will be
eligible for the special bonuses listed at www.FullPlateDietBeta.org

The Full Plate Diet is based on eating foods that allow you to enjoy a full plate and still lose weight.

No yo-yo dieting. You can eat this way indefinitely, because you won't feel deprived or have to eat tiny portions.

You get started by making small changes, not big ones.

No hassle--you don't have to count calories, you can shop at your regular grocery store, and spend less on food.

Big health payoffs include heart health, cancer fighting, diabetes friendly, more energy, long life and of course weight loss.


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