الموقع الأكبر لتحميل الكتب مجانا

معلومات الكتاب
Why Islam?
المؤلف : مؤلف غير معروف

التصنيف : اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية

  مرات المشاهدة : 201

  مرات التحميل : 201

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تفاصيل عن كتاب Why Islam?
2019م - 1444هـ

Why Islam?

Ever since Man appeared on earth – from the time of Adam– the Creator appointed the most righteous person in a particular society as a prophet to guide mankind towards Truth with ultimate goal of reaching Him.

Throughout history, He would send a prophet whenever people slipped into moral decline and aimless lives; after an earlier prophets’ message became corrupted and adulterated.

All Prophets carried the same message to all nations. A simple straightforward message as the condition of salvation: Belief in One God (the Creator) and unifying Him in worship.


I. Preface ________________________________________________________________ ___ 1

II. Introduction_______________________________________________________________ 2

III. Why Islam Advances Despite Adverse Propaganda From The Mass Media ___________ 6

1. Islam Has Retained The Genuine Concept Of The Oneness Of God __ 6

2. Islam Has The Only True Preserved Scripture – The Unadulterated

Word Of God________________________________ ___________________ 7

3. Islam Corroborates God’s Previous Revelations And Honors His

Messengers And Prophets ________________________________ ________ 7

4. Islam Calls For Befriending People Of Other Religions ____________ 8

5. Islam Encourages The Application Of Logic And Reason __________ 9

6. Islam Relieves The Burden Of Original Sin _____________________ 12

7. Islam Puts One In Harmony With The Universe _________________ 12

8. Islam Invites To Modesty And Chastity ________________________ 13

9. Islam Is Based On Balance, Moderation, Mediation And Tolerance _ 13

10. Islam Is A Religion Of Mercy And Forgiveness ________________ 14

11. Islam Calls To Equality, Unity And Fights Racial Discrimination _ 15

12. Islam Is The Religion Of Freedom ___________________________ 16

13d Cooperation _______________ 30

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