الموقع الأكبر لتحميل الكتب مجانا

معلومات الكتاب
رواية The Girl on the Train
المؤلف : Paula Hawkins

التصنيف : Stories and novels

  مرات المشاهدة : 221

  مرات التحميل : 221

تقييم الكتاب

نشر الكتاب

تفاصيل عن كتاب رواية The Girl on the Train
2015م - 1444هـ
The Girl on the Train

Introduction general :

This novel is considered one of the best novels for the reader, and he will enjoy it and dive into the depths of its interesting events


The Girl on the train:

THERE IS A PILE OF clothing on the side of the train tracks. Light-blue cloth – a

shirt, perhaps – jumbled up with something dirty white. It’s probably rubbish,

part of a load fly-tipped into the scrubby little wood up the bank. It could have

been left behind by the engineers who work this part of the track, they’re here

often enough. Or it could be something else. My mother used to tell me that I

had an overactive imagination; Tom said that too. I can’t help it, I catch sight of

these discarded scraps, a dirty T-shirt or a lonesome shoe, and all I can think of is

the other shoe, and the feet that fitted into them.

The train jolts and scrapes and screeches back into motion, the little pile of

clothes disappears from view and we trundle on towards London, moving at a

brisk jogger’s pace. Someone in the seat behind me gives a sigh of helpless

irritation; the 8.04 slow train from Ashbury to Euston can test the patience of the

most seasoned commuter. The journey is supposed to take fifty-four minutes, but

it rarely does: this section of the track is ancient, decrepit, beset with signalling

problems and never-ending engineering works.

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