الموقع الأكبر لتحميل الكتب مجانا

معلومات الكتاب
Bioinformatics_ Problem Solving Paradigms Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
المؤلف : Volker Sperschneider

التصنيف : Biology Books

  مرات المشاهدة : 157

  مرات التحميل : 157

تقييم الكتاب

نشر الكتاب

تفاصيل عن كتاب Bioinformatics_ Problem Solving Paradigms Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
2008م - 1444هـ
نبذه عن الكتاب:

Imagine you are a computer scientist working in the bioinformatics area. Probably you will be a member of a highly interdisciplinary team consisting of

biologists, chemists, mathematicians, computer scientists ranging from programmers to algorithm engineers, and eventually people from various further

fields. A major problem within such interdisciplinary teams is always to find

some common language, and, for each member of some discipline, to have

profound knowledge of what are the notions, basic concepts and goals of the

other participating disciplines, as well as of what they can contribute to the

solution of ones own problems. This does, of course, not mean that a computer

scientist should do the job of the biologist. Nevertheless, a computer scientist

should be able to understand what a biologist deals with. On the other hand,

the biologist should not do the computer scientists job, but should know what

computer science and algorithm engineering might contribute to the solution

of her/his problems, and also how problems should be stated in order for the

computer scientist to understand them.

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