الموقع الأكبر لتحميل الكتب مجانا

معلومات الكتاب
General Surgery & Urology
المؤلف : ستيفين باركر

التصنيف : الطب البشرى

  مرات المشاهدة : 259

  مرات التحميل : 259

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تفاصيل عن كتاب General Surgery & Urology
2015م - 1444هـ
General Surgery & Urology

Stephen Parker BSc MS DipMedEd


Consultant Breast and General

Paediatric Surgeon

St Mary’s Hospital

Newport, UK

General Surgery Urology * First principles chapter clearly explains the key concepts such as assessment of the patient fitness for surgery, patient consent and pain management * Clinical essentials chapter provides an overview of the symptoms and signs of surgical disease, investigations and management options * Disease-based chapters briefly describe, by system, relevant structure and function, history and examination and main surgical presentations, each chapter introduced by engaging clinical cases that feature unique graphic narratives * Emergencies chapter covers the principles of immediate care in situations such as acute appendicitis * Self-Assessment – 80 multiple choice questions in clinical SBA format, in line with current exam format

Series Editors

Janine Henderson MRCPsych


MB BS Programme Director

Hull York Medical School

York, UK

David Oliveira PhD FRCP

Professor of Renal Medicine

St George’s, University of London

London, UK

Stephen Parker BSc MS DipMedEd


Consultant Breast and General

Paediatric Surgeon

St Mary’s Hospital

Newport, UK



Abdominal aortic aneurysm 210,


aetiology 210

clinical features 210–211

conservative management


diagnostic approach 211

endovascular aneurysm repair


epidemiology 210

investigations 211, 211

open aneurysm surgery 212

prognosis 212

ruptured 211

Abdominal distension 31–32

Abdominal examination 29

auscultation 30–31

palpation 29, 30

percussion 30, 31

Abdominal incision 39, 39

Abdominal masses 32–33, 33

Abdominal pain 24

in colorectal disease 119

nature of 25

onset of 24

site of 24, 24, 25, 25

Abdominal wall hernias 121

femoral hernias 122–123

incisional hernias 123

inguinal hernia 121–122

obturator hernia 124

spigelian hernias 123

umbilical hernia 123

Abscesses 33–34

Accessory nipples 54

Achalasia 101

balloon dilatation 102

cardiomyotomy 102

clinical features 101–102

diagnostic approach 102,


Acute limb ischaemia 205

aetiology 205

clinical features 205

diagnostic approach 205

emergency embolectomy 206

epidemiology 205

intra-arterial thrombolysis


investigations 206

prognosis 206

Adenomatous polyps 131

Adjuvant therapy 133

Adrenalectomy 85

Adrenal glands, anatomy and

physiology 73, 73

Adrenocorticotrophic hormone

(ACTH) 72

Advanced care directive 2

Airway calibre 6, 6

Aldosterone 68, 73, 88, 172

5-Aminosalicyclic acid (5-ASA),

in inflammatory bowel disease


Anal carcinoma 133–134

Anal dilatation 136

Anal fissure 136

Anaplastic signet-ring tumours


Angiodysplasia 228

Angiography 202, 202

Ankle–brachial pressure index

(ABPI) 201

Anorectal sepsis 134

abscesses and fistulae 134

clinical features 134

Goodsall’s rule 134, 135

management 134–135

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 68,

73, 171–172

Appendiceal carcinoid tumours


Appendicitis, acute 222–223

Appendix abscess 223

Appendix mass 223

Arterial blood gases 35–36, 36

Arteriosclerosis 196–197

Ascites 147, 159

aetiology 159, 159

clinical features 159

diagnostic approach 159

management 159

Aspiration pneumonitis 19, 19

Atelectasis 19

Atheroma 196

aetiology 196, 196–197

complicated plaques 197

complications 196

fatty streaks and fibrous

plaques 196, 197

risk factors 196

Axillary surgery, in breast cancer

59–60, 60


Bacteraemia 17

Barrett’s oesophagus 106

Benign prostatic hyperplasia


Bile 144–145

Biliary apparatus

extrahepatic 142, 143

intrahepatic 144–145

Biliary colic 151–152

Bilirubin 145

Bladder 169, 169

nerve supply 169–170

sphincters 169

Bladder calculi 180

Bladder cancers 182–183, 183,


Bleeding peptic ulcer 226

Blood tests, in surgical patients

35, 35

Body mass index (BMI) 6

Bowel habit, change in 113–

115, 119 see also Colorectal


Bradycardia 27

Breast 45

anatomy 48, 48–49, 49

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