الموقع الأكبر لتحميل الكتب مجانا

معلومات الكتاب
المؤلف : Janet Holmes

التصنيف : اللغويات الإجتماعية Sociolinguistics

  مرات المشاهدة : 120

  مرات التحميل : 120

تقييم الكتاب

نشر الكتاب

تفاصيل عن كتاب An_Introduction_to_Sociolinguistics
2013م - 1444هـ

An Introduction to


Fourth Edition


Preface xii

Author’s Acknowledgements xvi

Publisher’s Acknowledgements xvii

1 What do sociolinguists study? 1

Section I Multilingual Speech Communities 17

2 Language choice in multilingual communities 19

3 Language maintenance and shift 53

4 Linguistic varieties and multilingual nations 76

5 National languages and language planning 100

Section II Language Variation: Focus on Users 129

6 Regional and social dialects 131

7 Gender and age 159

8 Ethnicity and social networks 186

9 Language change 206

Section III Language Variation: Focus on Uses 237

10 Style, context and register 239

11 Speech functions, politeness and cross-cultural communication 274

12 Gender, politeness and stereotypes 301

13 Language, cognition and culture 337

14 Analysing discourse 363

15 Attitudes and applications 409

16 Conclusion 439

References 454

Appendix: phonetic symbols 475

Glossary 477

Index 479

Brief Contents

Section I Multilingual Speech Communities 17

2 Language choice in multilingual communities 19

C hoosing your variety or code 19

D iglossia 2 7

C ode-switching or code-mixing 34

3 Language maintenance and shift 53

L anguage shift in different communities 53

L anguage death and language loss 58

F actors contributing to language shift 60

H ow can a minority language be maintained? 64

L anguage revival 67

4 Linguistic varieties and multilingual nations 76

V ernacular languages 77

S tandard languages 78

L ingua francas 8 2

P idgins and creoles 85

5 National languages and language planning 100

N ational and official languages 102

P lanning for a national official language 1 07

D eveloping a standard variety in Norway 111

T he linguist’s role in language planning 1 15



Section II Language Variation: Focus on Users 129

6 Regional and social dialects 131

R egional variation 1 32

S ocial variation 1 39

S ocial dialects 1 40

7 Gender and age 159

G ender-exclusive speech differences: highly structured communities 1 59

G ender-preferential speech features: social dialect research 1 63

G ender and social class 1 64

E xplanations of women’s linguistic behaviour 1 67

A ge-graded features of speech 1 75

A ge and social dialect data 1 77

A ge grading and language change 180

8 Ethnicity and social networks 186

E thnicity 1 86

S ocial networks 1 96

9 Language change 206

V ariation and change 207

H ow do changes spread? 2 14

H ow do we study language change? 2 19

R easons for language change 2 22

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